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State Interpolation

You may be wondering what the heck state interpolation even is. In the context of this guide, it's the ability to inject model state into API endpoint requests at runtime.

The @spa-tools/api-client utilizes a simple approach of matching variable names to automate state interpolation.

import { callEndpoint } from '@spa-tools/api-client';

async function getUserTodos(userId, completed) {
const result = await callEndpoint(
interpolateUrlOptions: {
// here we request that all unused state be auto-interpolated
// into the query string
// so in this example since we only have one path param (:userId),
// any other state we pass into callEndpoint will be auto-interpolated
// into the query string (e.g. ?completed=true/false)
addUnusedStateToQueryString: true,
// the state we want to interpolate
{ userId, completed }


async function updateTodoCompletion(todoId, completed) {
const result = await callEndpoint(
{ requestOptions: { method: 'PATCH' } },
// with all HTTP fetch operations that require a request body (like PATCH)
// any state that cannot be used for path params will be auto-interpolated
// into the request body; note that this is the default behavior but can be
// overridden by setting addUnusedStateToRequestBody in requestOptions to false.
// so in this example since we only have one path param (:todoId),
// any other state we pass into callEndpoint will be auto-interpolated
// into the request body (e.g. { completed: true/false } )
{ todoId, completed }

console.log(`Updated todo with ID "${todoId}":`);

await getUserTodos({ userId: 3 });
// --> GET

await getUserTodos({ completed: true, userId: 3 });
// --> GET

await getUserTodos({ completed: false, userId: 3 });
// --> GET

await updateTodoCompletion(10, true);
// --> PATCH with request body { completed: true }