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Vanilla Reference

The API Client is designed to be framework agnostic and can be used with any JavaScript library. This reference demonstrates Typescript syntax but works for Javascript as well (simply remove all type usage).


The callEndpoint<D, E, S> function is analogous to the native fetch function but packed with value-add features that target common SPA data-fetching use cases.


There are three generic types that can be included when calling callEndpoint in the following order:

  • D is used to define the shape of the result data returned from the endpoint
  • E is used to define the shape of the error data returned from the endpoint
  • S is used to define the shape of the state passed to the endpoint for interpolation

Method overloads

There are six method signature overloads for callEndpoint to make call execution succinct, flexible, and comprehensive:

  • callEndpoint<D, E, S>(url)
  • callEndpoint<D, E, S>(url, options)
  • callEndpoint<D, E, S>(url, stateToInterpolate)
  • callEndpoint<D, E, S>(url, options, stateToInterpolate)
  • callEndpoint<D, E, S>(options)
  • callEndpoint<D, E, S>(options, stateToInterpolate)


urlstringThe URL of the endpoint to be called and can include any number of path parameters and query-value placeholders. All path parameters and query-value placeholders must begin with a colon (e.g. :id)
optionsEndpointOptionsAn object that can be used to configure the request. It is an instance of the EndpointOptions type and exposes many of the value-add features that the API Client has to offer.
stateToInterpolateSAn object that is used to interpolate path parameters and query-value placeholders, and optionally to auto-create querystring values in the URL of the endpoint. It is an instance of the S generic type or by default Record<string, unknown>.

Return value

The callEndpoint function returns a Promise to always resolve an EndpointResult object. In other words, the call will never be rejected and thus async calls need not be wrapped in try-catch statements.


import { callEndpoint } from '@spa-tools/api-client';

// define our data shape
export interface Todo {
userId: number;
id: number;
title: string;
completed: boolean;

const options: EndpointOptions = {
interpolateUrlOptions: {
// here we tell the API Client to automatically add any
// unused (i.e. un-interpolated) state to the query string
addUnusedStateToQueryString: true,

const stateToInterpolate = { userId: 2, completed: true };

// using generics, we tell the API Client that the data we expect
// to be returned from the call is an array of `Todo` objects
// the :userId path parameter will be interpolated with the value `2`
// and a `completed` querystring value will be auto-created with the
// value of `true` so that the actual request URL will be:
// -->
const result = await callEndpoint<Todo[]>(

if ( {
`${stateToInterpolate.completed ? 'Completed' : 'Pending'} todos for user with ID "${stateToInterpolate.userId}":`
} else if (result.error) {
console.error(`Error retrieving todos for user with ID "${stateToInterpolate.userId}":`);


EndpointOptions is the object used to configure the request when calling callEndpoint.

callbackOptionsEndpointCallbackOptionsnoDefines event callbacks to be implemented by caller.
consoleOptionsEndpointConsoleOptionsnoDetermines if/when to log runtime feedback to the console.
frequencyOptionsEndpointFrequencyOptionsnoConfigures data frequency settings (i.e. throttle and cache options).
interpolateUrlOptionsEndpointInterpolateUrlOptionsnoDetermines how the endpoint's URL is to be interpolated.
requestOptionsEndpointRequestOptionsnoConfigures various request options for the endpoint.
serverModelOptionsEndpointServerModelOptionsnoConfigures server-side model/interface mapping options for the endpoint.


EndpointCallbackOptions is the object used to define event callbacks to be implemented by the caller.

onAddHeaders() => Promise<Headers>noA callback that enables caller to asynchronously add headers to support scenarios where including an authorization header depends on an async call to an IdP, etc.
onResponseError(response: Response) => voidnoA callback that notifies caller when an endpoint response error occurs.


EndpointConsoleOptions is the object used to determine if/when to log runtime feedback to the console.

logThrottleCacheHitsbooleannofalseWhen true, logs to the console everytime a GET call to the endpoint either throttles or has a cache hit. Useful for debugging or logging throttle/cache metrics.
logThrottleWarningsbooleannotrueWhen true, error-logs warning to the console when the endpoint's GET requests are throttled beyond configured threshold.
logThrottleWarningsThresholdnumberno10Determines how many times the endpoint's GET requests can be throttled before a warning is error-logged. Only applicable if logThrottleWarnings is set to true.


EndpointFrequencyOptions is the object used to configure data frequency settings (i.e. throttle and cache options).

frequencyStrategypick one:
  • 'throttle'
  • 'memory-cache'
  • 'session-cache'
  • 'none'

For GET requests: 'memory-cache'

For all other requests: 'throttle'

Determines how duplicate endpoint requests are handled.

throttle: the endpoint call will be ignored when the same call has already been responded to within the call timeframe per frequencyStrategyTTL.

memory-cache: the endpoint call's result data will be cached in memory and returned every time the same endpoint call is made within the call timeframe per frequencyStrategyTTL.

session-cache: the endpoint call's result data will be cached locally using the browser's sessionStorage and returned every time the same endpoint call is made within the call timeframe per frequencyStrategyTTL across the browser tab's lifetime.

none: the endpoint call will be executed every time it is made, even if it is a duplicate request.


  • If the endpoint is primarily called from one place at a time within your application, then the throttle strategy should be utilized.
  • If a GET endpoint is called concurrently from multiple places in an applicaton then either the memory-cache or session-cache strategy should be utilized. The memory-cache strategy is preferred as it is more performant but the session-cache strategy is desirable when the client app wishes to cache result data without consuming additional memory.
  • If an endpoint is called via a React hook then NEVER set strategy to none as the endpoint can unintentionally be called on every render.

frequencyStrategyKeystringnoA hash of the request URL and the request body

Used to uniquely identify the endpoint call for the purpose of frequency strategy handling.

Guidance: It is advised to NOT provide the key and allow the hash to be generated; however, there may be scenarios where a client needs to take control over this key.


Defines the duration in milliseconds that endpoint calls will be ignored or cached when the same call has already been responded to within the respective timeframe. This setting is NOT applicable if frequencyStrategy is set to none.


EndpointInterpolateUrlOptions is the object used to determine how the endpoint's URL is to be interpolated.

addUnusedStateToQueryStringbooleannofalseIf true, any state that is not used to interpolate the request URL will be automatically added to the query string.
discardOrphanedQueryStringPlaceholdersbooleannofalseIf true, any query string placeholders that are not used to interpolate the URL will be removed from the path.

The querystring values for all keys provided will be pre-encoded, which in effect applies double-encoding.

Guidance: Typically, you should never need to double-encode interpolated querstring values, but in rare cases such as passing file path values in the URL, double-encoding may be required by the backend API.


EndpointRequestOptions is the object used to configure various request options for the endpoint.

autoCreateBodyFromStatebooleannotrueIf true and the call is not a GET request, then all state that remains after path interpolation will be automatically converted to a JSON string and set as the request body.
bodyBodyInitno-The request body to be sent with the endpoint call. See fetch.body for more info.
errorOn404booleannofalseIf true, the endpoint call will be rejected with an error if the response status is 404. Set to true if the application considers it an error when the requested resource is not found.
formEncodingTypepick one:
  • 'multipart'
  • 'url'
no'url'The encoding type to be used when sending form data (i.e. when requestType is 'form').
methodpick one:
  • 'GET'
  • 'POST'
  • 'PUT'
  • 'PATCH'
  • 'DELETE'
no'GET'The HTTP method to be used when making the endpoint call.
modepick one:
  • 'cors'
  • 'no-cors'
  • 'same-origin'
no'cors'The mode of the request. See fetch.mode for more info.
pageTokenstringno''Token used to fetch a page of results for an endpoint's GET request when the requestType is json. The backend API must support this feature via a querystring param.
recordLimitnumberno100The maximum number of records to be returned by an endpoint's GET request. The backend API must support this feature via a querystring param.
recordSkipnumberno0The number of records to skip when fetching a page of results for an endpoint's GET request. The backend API must support this feature via a querystring param.
requestTypepick one:
  • 'form'
  • 'json'
  • 'text'
  • 'void'

The request body type being submitted.

Note that the Content-Type header will be automatically set based on this setting.

responseTypepick one:
  • 'arrayBuffer'
  • 'blob'
  • 'formData'
  • 'json'
  • 'text'
  • 'void'
no'json'The response body type to be expected from the endpoint call.
signalAbortSignalno-An object that allows you to communicate with a fetch request and abort it if desired. See fetch.signal for more info.
urlstringyes, if not directly passed as first argument into callEndpoint-The request URL to be used for the endpoint call.


EndpointServerModelOptions is the object used to configure server-side model/interface mapping options for the endpoint.


The dot path for the response body that will be used for the root data property when the responseType is json.

For example, if the response.json() is { "myData": [{ "foo1": "bar1" }, { "foo2": "bar2" }] } then it would make sense to set the jsonDataDotPath to myData.


The dot path for the response body that will be used for the root error property when the responseType is json.

For example, if the response.json() is { "myError": "Something went wrong" } then it would make sense to set the jsonErrorDotPath to myError.


When the GET endpoint supports token-based pagination, the dot path for the response body that will be used for the next page token property when the responseType is json.

For example, if the response.json() is { "nextPageToken": "abc123" } then it would make sense to set the jsonNextPageTokenDotPath to nextPageToken.


When the GET endpoint supports token-based pagination, the dot path for the response body that will be used for the previous page token property when the responseType is json.

For example, if the response.json() is { "previousPageToken": "abc123" } then it would make sense to set the jsonPreviousPageTokenDotPath to previousPageToken.


When the GET endpoint supports total record count, the dot path for the response body that will be used for the total record count property when the responseType is json.

For example, if the response.json() is { "total": 100 } then it would make sense to set the jsonTotalDotPath to total.


When the GET endpoint supports token-based pagination, the query parameter name used to fetch a page of results.


When the GET endpoint supports record limit, the query parameter name used to limit the number of records returned.


When the GET endpoint supports skip-based pagination, the query parameter name used to skip a number of records when fetching a page of results.


EndpointResult<D, E> is the homogeneous, unchangeable result envelope resolved from the Promise that is returned by the callEndpoint function.

dataDnoundefinedThe data returned from the endpoint request.
errorEnoundefinedThe error returned from the endpoint request.
nextPageTokenstringnoundefinedThe token that can be used to fetch the next page of results.
previousPageTokenstringnoundefinedThe token that can be used to fetch the previous page of results.
totalnumbernoundefinedThe total number of records available for the endpoint request.