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Appending React Data

If you're using the @spa-tools/api-client to build a React application and your design calls for cumulative loading of data (e.g. "load more", "infinite scroll", etc.), the useCallEndpoint hook has an append feature that will help you implement your solution with such ease and head-spinning speed that you'll be demo'ing in a matter of minutes.

Bonus: If you need to implement infinite scroll, be sure to also check out the useInfiniteScroll hook in the @spa-tools/interaction-hooks package!

import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { useCallEndpoint } from '@spa-tools/api-client';


// this is a simple hook wrapper making it specific to the "recipes" endpoint
function useGetRecipes() {
return useCallEndpoint(
requestOptions: { recordLimit: RECIPE_RECORD_LIMIT },
serverModelOptions: { jsonDataDotPath: 'recipes' },
// passing in true here tells the hook to append
// all successive paginated data to the result

function LoadMoreRecipes() {
const [loadRecipes, recipesResult, areRecipesLoading, clearRecipes] = useGetRecipes();
const [totalRecipes, setTotalRecipes] = useState(0);

useEffect(() => {
const callNum = recipesResult && ? / RECIPE_RECORD_LIMIT : 0;

if (recipesResult?.data && !areRecipesLoading) {
setTotalRecipes( ?? 0);
console.log(`loadRecipes call #${callNum} completed:`);
} else if (recipesResult?.error) {
console.error(`loadRecipes call #${callNum} errored:`);
} else if (areRecipesLoading) {
console.log(`loadRecipes call #${callNum + 1} in-progress`);
}, [areRecipesLoading, recipesResult]);

return (
<button disabled={recipesResult?.data?.length ?? -1 === totalRecipes} onClick={loadRecipes}>
Load More Recipes
<button disabled={!!recipesResult?.data?.length} onClick={clearRecipes}>
Clear Recipes
? `${} of ${totalRecipes} have been loaded!`
: 'No recipes loaded, yet'}